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Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 16, 2024 at 12 AM


At MineStoreCMS, your privacy is our priority. We are dedicated to safeguarding your personal data. This privacy notice explains how we manage your personal data when you visit our website, no matter where you are accessing it from. It also outlines your privacy rights and the legal protections available to you.

We have organized this privacy notice in a layered format for your convenience. You can easily navigate to the specific sections listed below. Additionally, please refer to the Glossary to understand the definitions of terms used in this notice.


Purpose of this privacy notice

This privacy notice is designed to inform you about how MineStoreCMS collects and handles your personal data when you visit our website at minestorecms.com. This includes any data you provide when purchasing a product or service through our website or website services.

Please note that this website is not intended for children, and we do not intentionally collect data from children. We recognize that children and young people may access this website or interact with us and our commercial partners. We strongly encourage minors to consult with their parents or legal guardians before submitting any content or information to us, our commercial partners, or other third parties.

It is important to read this privacy notice along with any other privacy notices or fair processing notices we may provide on specific occasions when we are collecting or processing personal data about you. This will ensure you are fully informed about how and why we use your data. This privacy notice is intended to complement other notices and not to replace them.


MineStoreCMS is responsible for managing your personal data (referred to as “MineStoreCMS”, “we”, “us”, or “our” in this privacy notice).

We have appointed a data privacy manager to handle any questions regarding this privacy notice. If you have any queries or need to exercise your legal rights, please reach out to our data privacy manager using the contact details below.

Changes To This Privacy Notice And Your Obligation To Inform Us Of Changes

This privacy notice was last updated on 16.08.2024. Previous versions are available upon request.

It is crucial that the personal data we have about you is accurate and current. Please keep us informed of any changes to your personal data during your relationship with us.

Third-Party Links

Our website may contain links to external websites, plug-ins, and applications. By clicking on these links or enabling these connections, third parties may collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites and are not responsible for their privacy practices. When you leave our website, we recommend that you read the privacy notice of every website you visit.

The Data We Collect About You

Personal data, or personal information, refers to any data that can identify an individual. This does not include data where the identity has been removed (anonymous data).

We may collect, use, store, and transfer various types of personal data about you, which we have categorized as follows:

  • Identity Data: This includes your first name, last name, and username or similar identifier.
  • Contact Data: This includes your billing address, delivery address, email address, and phone numbers.
  • Transaction Data: This includes details about payments to and from you and other details of products and services you have purchased from us.
  • Technical Data: This includes your internet protocol (IP) address, login data, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, operating system and platform, and other technology on the devices you use to access our website.
  • Profile Data: This includes your username and password, purchases or orders you have made, and your account preferences.
  • Usage Data: This includes information about how you use our website, services, and products.
  • Marketing and Communications Data: This includes your preferences for receiving marketing from us and our third parties, and your communication preferences.

We also gather, utilize, and share Aggregated Data, which includes statistical or demographic data for various purposes. Although this Aggregated Data is derived from your personal data, it is not considered personal data under the law because it does not reveal your identity, either directly or indirectly. For instance, we may use your Usage Data in aggregate form to calculate the percentage of users accessing a specific feature of our website. However, if we combine or connect Aggregated Data with your personal information in a manner that can identify you directly or indirectly, we will treat the combined information as personal data in line with this privacy policy.

We do not collect any Special Categories of Personal Data about you. This encompasses sensitive information such as your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sexual life, sexual orientation, political views, trade union membership, health details, and genetic or biometric data. Additionally, we do not gather any data regarding criminal convictions and offenses.

In Event Of Your Failure To Provide Personal Data

If we are required by law or contract to collect personal data from you and you do not provide it, we may be unable to fulfill our obligations or provide the requested services or goods. In such cases, we may need to cancel the product or service, but we will inform you if this happens.

How Your Personal Data Is Collected

We gather data about you using various methods:

Direct Interactions

You may provide us with your Identity and Contact Data by filling out forms or contacting us at [email protected]. This includes when you:

  • Contact us via social media (e.g., Instagram, Telegram, Discord or X (ex-Twitter))
  • Purchasing software or any sort of ad-dons at https://minestorecms.com/dashboard
  • Use our website or collecting email on the Application Service page
  • Subscribe to our email updates or publications
  • Browsing our offers or services
  • Create an account on our website
  • Report a website issue using Ticket System through any Social Media

Indirect Interactions

As you use our website, we may automatically collect Technical Data about your device, browsing actions, and usage patterns through cookies, server logs, and similar technologies. We may also obtain Technical Data if you visit other websites using our cookies. For more details, see our cookie policy at https://www.minestorecms.io/legal/cookies.

Third Parties and Public Sources

We may receive personal data about you from third-party sources and public databases, including:

  • Technical Data from analytics providers like Google Analytics and Cloudflare
  • Contact, Financial, and Transaction Data from service providers such as payment processors.


We use your personal data only when legally permitted. Common uses include:

  • Performing a contract with you
  • Pursuing our legitimate interests, provided your rights don't override them
  • Complying with legal obligations

Purposes for Using Your Data

We may use your personal data for several purposes, each based on specific legal grounds:

Purpose/ActivityType of DataLegal Basis
Register you as a new customerIdentity, ContactPerformance of a contract
Manage our relationship, notify you of changes, request feedbackIdentity, Contact, Profile, Marketing and CommunicationsPerformance of a contract, Legal obligation, Legitimate interests (keeping records updated)
Administer and protect our business and websiteIdentity, Contact, TechnicalLegitimate interests (business operations), Legal obligation
Comply with audits, enquiries, or investigations by authoritiesIdentity, Technical, ProfileLegitimate interests (fraud prevention), Legal obligation
Use data analytics to improve our servicesTechnical, UsageLegitimate interests (product development, business growth)


You can set your browser to refuse cookies. Note that some website features may not work if cookies are disabled. See our cookie policy at Cookie Policy for more details.

Change of Purpose

We will only use your data for the purposes we collected it for unless we reasonably consider we need to use it for another compatible purpose. For unrelated purposes, we will notify you and explain the legal basis.

We may process your personal data without your knowledge where required or permitted by law.


We may share your personal data with:

  • Internal Third Parties: As defined in the Glossary.
  • External Third Parties: As defined in the Glossary.
  • Business Transactions: Potential buyers or partners if we sell, transfer, or merge parts of our business.

All third parties must respect the security and legal handling of your data, using it only as instructed by us.


Many external third parties are outside the European Economic Area (EEA), requiring data transfers out of the EEA. We ensure your data receives adequate protection by:

  • Transferring data to countries approved by the European Commission.
  • Implementing appropriate safeguards.

Contact us at [email protected] for details on data transfer mechanisms.


We have robust security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized

access, use, alteration, or loss. Access is limited to those with a business need, who are under confidentiality obligations.

Your Role in Data Security:

  • Never share bank or credit card details via email, tickets or other ways.
  • Change passwords regularly.
  • Keep passwords private and avoid using easily guessed information.

We have procedures to address data breaches and will notify you and regulators as required by law.


We retain your personal data only as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, including legal and reporting obligations.

We determine the retention period based on:

  • The type and sensitivity of the data
  • Potential risks from unauthorized use or
  • Whether we can achieve the purposes through other means
  • Legal requirements

Basic customer information, including Contact, Identity, Financial, and Transaction Data, is kept for up to 10 years after the customer relationship ends.

You may request data deletion in certain circumstances; see "Request erasure" below.

We may anonymize your data for research or statistical purposes, using it indefinitely without notice.


You have certain rights regarding your personal data under data protection laws:

  • Access: Request access to your personal data.

  • Correction: Ask us to correct any inaccurate or incomplete data we hold about you.

  • Erasure: Request the deletion or removal of your personal data under certain circumstances.

  • Objection: Object to the processing of your personal data, including for direct marketing purposes.

  • Restriction: Ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data under certain circumstances.

  • Data Portability: Request to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

  • Withdraw Consent: Withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time.

To exercise any of these rights, please email us at [email protected].


There's usually no fee for accessing your personal data or exercising your rights. However, we may charge a reasonable fee or refuse your request if it's unfounded, repetitive, or excessive.

We may need specific information from you to verify your identity and ensure your right to access your data. We aim to respond to all requests within one month, but this may be longer for complex requests.



  • Legitimate Interest: Our interest in conducting and managing our business, ensuring the best service/product and experience for you, while considering and balancing any potential impact on you and your rights.

  • Performance of Contract: Processing data necessary for the performance of a contract with you or to take steps at your request before entering into such a contract.

  • Comply with Legal Obligation: Processing data where necessary for compliance with a legal or regulatory obligation.


For any inquiries or to exercise your rights, please email us at [email protected].